Life in a centre
The project of the Griébal Scout Centre has the necessary support to fulfil our dream and reach our goal in the service and volunteer work. This is why we ask every scout that visits us throughout all the seasons of year, to contribute some of their time as a volunteer and become part of this great project that involves recovering the Griébal village and its environment.
As a general rule, you can choose the day for your Scout service in coordination with the centre team. They will explain the scheduled service.
– For children under 11 years old: 4 hours for every 7 days of stay.
– From 11 to 15 years old: 6 hours for every 7 days of stay.
– For those over 15 years old: 8 hours for every 7 days of stay.
We will put at your disposal the tools and materials for the service. These will be collected by a person in charge of the group who will be responsible for returning them in perfect condition after the service, as well as informing of its outcome. In addition to this service, shifts will be organized by the attending groups in coordination with the centre’s team for the cleaning of the common areas.
Below are some rules we must all follow for the centre to run smoothly.
Firstly, ask for the person responsible for the reception, who will help you settle. Confirm the exact number of participants and expected visitors during your stay. Also confirm the use, if applicable, of the kitchen and common facilities. Before leaving, make sure you have settled your bill (accommodation fee, use of kitchen, purchases made, etc.).
We have had to set a deposit of between 50 to 100 euros, which will be charged when you settle in. It will be transferred back to you at the end of the camp once a positive report from the team is received regarding the state of the camping field, toilets, washbasins, showers, used areas, facilities, harvested wood, etc. Otherwise, it will not be returned.
Scout Behaviour
Be respectful with nature. Do not cut trees, bushes or flowers, or bother animals. Be austere with water consumption. We are in a region where water is a scarce and precious commodity. Do not waste it. If you see an open tap or a hose, please close it. If you detect a leak, please communicate it immediately to the Volunteer Team.
Favour the Scout Fellowship through exchange and knowledge between groups: respect others, their differences, … When dismantling the constructions carried out, no nails, ropes, etc. should be left behind. The rest of the camped Groups must not be bothered.
Before 08:00 h. and after 24:00 h., the Scout Centre must be calm and silent. If you stay in the hostel, be even more aware of keeping silence. Respect the common schedules of activities if you participate in any of them. Respect the schedules of the days of service in the rehabilitation of Griébal. If carrying out activities, workshops and games (especially clue games) please make sure to clean up and leave everything in order when finished. In the case of clue games, no trace should remain.
Outside Griébal Scout Centre
If you travel by road, please respect the signs. If you walk on a road, please do so on the left-hand side and one by one (there are narrow roads with little visibility). If you visit Aínsa or the surrounding villages, please be discreet and polite. The Camp Directors are directly responsible for the actions of their members.
General Rules
Each group has its own camping area, designated by the host manager. Also, there are areas in the Scout Centre that are common. Please respect them.
Each group is responsible for scrupulously cleaning their assigned camping area, regularly and at the end of the camp (B.P. once said: … better than you found it). Also, order must be kept in each camping area. When cooking, only the assigned areas should be used, and it should be done with the appropriate material.
No fires can be lit. A Decree of the General Delegation of Aragón strictly prohibits lighting any kind of fire. Be careful with lit cigarette ends. Do not throw them around (not even if they are out).
The learners must be accompanied by a sufficient number of educators / scouters who meet the suitability and training requirements set by the competent authorities.
If anything breaks during your stay, notify the person in charge of the Scout Centre as soon as possible. If you are responsible for the event you must replace the item or refund it. A second warning about the breach of any norm can lead to the expulsion of the Scout Centre.
Use of Facilities
For those Groups that use kitchen and group equipment: A list of items that can be lent will be provided. The Group is responsible for returning them in “better” condition both in quantity and quality (cleanliness). Using the kitchen means leaving it clean and tidy after each use.
The use of common dining rooms must be cleaned after each use.
The Griébal Scout Centre has several facilities:
Scout Store. Library. Bar. Social space. Public telephone, with coins. Ethnological Museum. Sports court.
The access to some areas of the Scout Centre is prohibited (areas in ruins, areas undergoing rehabilitation, etc.) Respect the signs. The Camp Directors will notify this to their campers and will prevent any of its members from accessing it.
Hygiene and Sanitary Standards
Next to each camping area there are toilets, showers and sinks. They must always be hygienically clean. Each Group is responsible for the daily cleaning and disinfection of the assigned facilities, cleaning up each day (toilets, showers and sinks) as often as necessary, sinks and showers being cleaned after each use.
Each Group is responsible for taking rubbish and waste to the appropriate containers available in the centre and RECYCLE.
Drinking water is chlorinated, however we advise each Group to control water quality, according to Health Authorities.
According to current regulations, perishable foods and opened food cans should be kept in fridges or freezer cabinets that operate with autonomous means (gas, generator set). Freezers can be rented according to the current rate and must be kept in perfect hygienic and clean condition.
Our climate ranges from a strong sun heat to the possibility of heavy summer storms with abundant rain. Make sure that the stores you carry are impermeable and do not have “leaks”. Also, make sure to bring a canopy for shade.
There must be a person in charge of each camp with basic health and first aid knowledge.
Collaboration with the Griébal Scout Centre
The Griébal Scout Centre has a Scout Volunteer Team that will assist you and help you solve any problem that arises. Every day, first thing in the morning, the Volunteer team will inform camp managers of the most relevant issues and plan the day’s activities.